氣車商?氣車商?星期四很多克萊斯勒汽車經銷商都不想接到電話或看到郵差 因克萊斯勒宣佈破產後, 陸續給789箇經銷商正式告知 “不繼續”經營; 除此福特也宣佈將減少百分40的融資經銷商, GM 也說減少百分42的經銷商( NEW YORK ( -- Chrysler dealers nationwide 當鋪were fearing the UPS guy on Thursday. For 789 dealerships, the man in brown came carrying an overnight letter from Chrysler LLC indicating that they are being seoclosed as part of the automaker's bankruptcy. Some dealers received additional phone calls from company representatives, while others discovered their fate 融資after being contacted by reporters. Those calls and letters informed dealers that on Thursday morning Chrysler had filed a plan with the bankruptcy court 結婚西裝listing the 789 Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge dealers it selected to discontinue operations. Under the plan - which is still subject to review by the bankruptcy 系統傢俱judge - the dealers have until June 9 to close their Chrysler franchises. Frederick George, who is a partner in the Flint., Mich.-based dealership his 網路行銷grandfather founded in 1928, received his letter on Thursday morning. "The UPS truck came in this morning with a package," he said. "We're upset, stunned. 票貼We were not expecting it. We thought we were pretty safe, even in the area that we're in." 信用貸款 George Chrysler Jeep has 100 new Chrysler vehicles o
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