美國鮪魚汞含量問題持續發燒 2011年1月出刊的消費者報告雜誌(CR),號稱對採樣自紐約都會區及網購之罐裝及袋裝的含汞量檢驗報告,發現白肉長鰭鮪遠高於紅肉鮪魚的「最新檢驗結果」報導,在美國鮪罐市場又掀波瀾。國家漁業協會(NFI)無法苟同,CR文中雖提及FDA限制卻沒有依照當鋪事實陳述含汞量落於0.018-0.774ppm間的檢驗報告仍低於美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)規定1ppm的容許量,反而突顯環境保護局(EPA)如同在勸告消費者減少食用鮪罐的攝食建議。如此危言聳聽的報導方式不僅是其2006年蓄意誇大水產品含汞量誤導讀者的報導翻版,更遑論建議懷孕婦女完全買房子不食用鮪罐及限制消費者攝取量的作法有多不負責任。事實上,CR研究發現紅肉鮪魚平均含汞量甚至低於FDA規定。同儕評鑑科學新知(Peer-reviewed science)表示,限制懷孕婦女食用或避免食用水產品恐有引發omega-3缺乏症之虞。USA: The mercury issue has re-surfaced in the 買屋US canned tuna market. New testing on samples from tuna cans andpouches bought primarily from New York metropolitan area and online confirm white albacore tuna usually contains farmore mercury than light meat tuna, according to the January 2011 issue 貸款of Consumer Reports Magazine. They rangedfrom 0.018 to 0.774 parts per million (ppm) which are still below the Food abd Drug Administration (FDA) standard of 1ppm. The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) dismisses Consumer Reports (CR) as the latest 租屋網scare story on canned tuna.NFI said it is simply a retread of a 2006 report that does a disservice to its readers by using the same sleight of hand toexaggerate concerns about mercury in fish. CR should have led its report with the fact that none of 結婚the canned tuna ittested exceeded the FDA allowable limit for mercury. In fact, its own study found average mercury levels in light tunawere lower than the average found by the FDA. Throughout the article, CR refers to FDA limits but applies 土地買賣theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) consumption advice in order to suggest consumers should eat less canned tuna. Itis an old trick that exposes Consumer Reports’ willingness to use misdirection in order to get the results it wants. Thearticle 酒店兼職announces “new tests” found white tuna usually contains more mercury than light tuna has been known sincemercury in fish was first studied. Peer-reviewed science shows that pregnant women who limit or avoid seafood mayactually be introducing risks 室內設計from omega-3 deficiency. Advising pregnant women to cut canned tuna completely out oftheir diet and for others to limit their consumption is irresponsible, said NFI.
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